Monday, April 18, 2011

Get Real

Here it goes...


Let's get real.

I just ran my very first half marathon.

I kicked asphalt and my own butt!

However, it's time for some real serious talk or typing.

I am up on the scale.

To be honest, I need to lose 15 pounds.

I am at ???? pounds right now.
How did I do it? Well... I ate more than I should have, of course. While training for my half marathon, I started running 6 miles a week. By the time I finished my training, I was running 26 miles a week. What does one need to do to have the energy to do that?

Eat, of course... and sleep too.
Well, there are lots of things to do, actually. I'm just going to address the "eating" part of it.
I needed carbs to fuel my body for the speed runs, short runs, hill runs, and of course the long runs.
So I ate.
And ate.
I know at this point that I ate too much. I'm a novice half marathoner though, okay?

The other part of this weight gain is also the fact that I'm off my meds. I have insulin resistance due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
I used to be on Metformin, but I was taken off it around Thanksgiving last year. I think that was probably disastrous. I'm a little worried now because my younger sister just got diagnosed with diabetes a week ago. Her health, eating habits, lifestyle, and activities are different from mine, but diabetes does run in my fam. I have to see my doctor in June, so I need to drop the pounds fast and eat all the whole grains I can get my hands on.

As a serious runner, you'd think I would lose and/or maintain weight loss. I really think there's something going on with my body besides PCOS. I'm also going to have my doctor check my thyroid.
Here's my plan:

Eat and drink these!
*whole grain
*more fiber
*salad in the afternoons
*small portion at dinner
*white meat chicken
*one sweet dessert reward on date night
*water, water, water

Get rid of these!
*red meat
*white bread
*white rice

I apologize for this long post, but I need a good kick in the butt. I know I'm the only one who will do it too!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two to Go

I have two days until my half marathon.
I'm super busy, but I'm also trying to relax my mind.
I've been packing my street wear (normal human clothing) and also my running gear.
I've also been packing for the twins.
Who does this? Oh yeah, a running mommy. That's me!
If someone told me a year ago that I would be running a half marathon, I would've peed myself from laughing so hard.
Now I'm just peeing myself from nerves. Just kidding.
I am feeling my nerves kicking in though.

I just have to remember these things before Saturday:
Eat little and often.
No spicy food.
No fatty food.
Eat carbs.
No new foods.
Water, water, water!

My gear:
sports bra
4 packets of Gu
capri tights
long tights
short sleeve tech shirt
long sleeve tech shirt
head band
dri-fit fleece hoodie

I am packing some warmer clothes because it was snowing there today. I can run in the 30's as long as it's not snowing hard or raining. I really hope that all my training and hours of work will pay off!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Four Days to Go

I have four days until my first half marathon!
Last Friday I ran 10 miles.
The Fridays before that I ran a 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.1.
Technically, I have already run a half marathon in my training.
Race days are different though.
You run faster on race day.
You also tear up your muscles a lot more.
I'm a little nervous, but I know I will finish it.
I just want to finish it strong and without any walking.
I want to put all my training to the test.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Blood?  Check.
Sweat? Check.
Tears? Check. Check.

I don't know about other runners out there, but I enjoy watching people run on TV.
I've watched marathons, tri's, and ironman competitions...
and I've cried every time I witness someone run across the finish line whether
they're first or last.

This may sound strange, but I cry.
I guess I picture myself crossing that finish line with them.
I imagine the blood, sweat, and tears that took to get there.

I have the ongoing blood blisters.
I sweat lots.
I've cried many times from pain and happiness... sometimes at the same moment.

Do you watch these races?
Do you find yourself emotional too?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No More Wind, Please

Yesterday I ran 6 miles with my friend, B, and "windy" doesn't describe it.
It was so windy that when it was done, I wiped my faced and took off a few layers of dirt and dust.
It was pretty gross, but I felt like a champ.
The hills by her house are so steep that they make the hills by mine look like "a walk in the park."
The good news is that I'm no longer intimidated by them.
I am however feeling those hills in my left calf.
I'll be icing that baby all day today.
I have 5 miles tomorrow and then a rest day before 11 miles on Friday.
Wish me luck!

Monday, March 7, 2011

And the Beat Goes Running Running Running

I'm so bad!
I haven't blogged since January.
Since then I've come off the no carbs diet for two weeks.
I don't have a lot of carb cravings right now, so I think it helped.
I also lost 10 pounds, which puts me at a healthy BMI again.
I ran 10 miles on Friday, and I'll be running 11 this coming Friday.
My 10K is in two weeks, and the half marathon is next month.
I'm super excited, and I can see that I can totally run the entire time.
It's such a relief to me that my body is learning how to recover from my runs quicker.
I have a friend that has been running with me on Mondays, and it's been awesome.
She pushes me to run some big hills, and they have made me faster.
It probably won't be long though until she leaves me in the dust.
She is a marathoner, and she's used to running 9 minute miles.
My average pace is 10:30's.
I'm not ashamed.
Just six months ago I thought I wouldn't be able to run again.
Here I am training for my fist half!
I hope you're all doing well.
Keep working at it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Say No

Part of the success with blogging is that it has helped me
be accountable to you, my readers.
I can't shove junk down my throat and feel good
keeping it from you.
I've decided that all the sugar and fat that I've eaten
during the holidays and just recently my mom's "sweet" 60th birthday bash
has taken its toll on my body, mind, and spirit.
No more.
I'm done.
I decided a couple of days ago that I need to flush out my sugar and fat cravings.
They've been bad.
I haven't gained back all the weight from my former 163 pound body,
but if i were to continue eating junk it would be easy to.
Add to that the fact that I'm no longer on any of the medications that were
keeping me from being diabetic.
Whatever I put into my body will affect my health greatly,
and also may take me back to taking 3 different medications.
I'm not willing to do that.
I've researched and done the South Beach Diet before and lost a few pounds.
I didn't stick with it, but I have to stick with it this time.
There's so much on the line now.
I am confident that with the training for my half marathon and the
encouragement to stay off medication will keep me on plan.
Today is Day 1.
It's in 3 phases.
Phase 1 is two weeks long.
It's the hardest.
No bad carbs- bread, pasta, rice, sugar.
Phase two is as long as you want to keep losing weight.
You add a little whole grain, carbs, and fruit.
Phase 3 is maintenance.
That's the hard part for me.
As long as I can be active (running, mostly) without injury, I'll be good.
The wonderful thing about sticking with the first two weeks is that it really does change my body chemistry. I no longer get the bad cravings for sugar and fat.
It's still there, but it's not as bad.
Wish me luck!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Big, Huge, Scary Announcement!

Drum roll please...

I have decided to




Half Marathon!

I'm running the Salt Lake City Half Marathon!

There. I said it aloud. Kind of. Good enough in blog world.

I'm nervous.
I'm scared.
I'm so totally excited!
I've worked out my training program, and I have plenty of time to be ready.
I just have to stay injury-free.

What fear are you conquering this year?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Yesterday I saw a really cute way I could stay warm during my early morning runs.
I may be a wimp to some or maybe all of you when I admit this, but here it goes.

I don't like being outside in super cold weather when I have to run.

Two days ago, it was 36 degrees for my first run this week.
Yesterday, it was 33 degrees. Yes, I braved it.
Here is what I wore.
long sleeve tech shirt that wicks away sweat

pink Nike fleece hoodie

fleece lined pants

knit gloves

knit hat

Every part of my body was warm within ten minutes of running except for my head, neck, and hands.

So here is what I'm contemplating on getting.
It's called the Original Buff Headwear.

Here is its description from Planet Buff.
The ORIGINAL BUFF® is a multifunctional tubular microfiber accessory that can be used for many different activities in both cold weather as well as hot weather. Our unique product will keep you warm while it is cold out, while wicking moisture and keeping them cool when it is hot out. Our lightweight, breathable and moisture wicking material not only is wind resistant, but is extremely comfortable to wear. The more you wear it, the softer your ORIGINAL BUFF® will get.
The ORIGINAL BUFF® can be worn as a neckerchief, headband, wristband, mask, hairband, balaclava, scarf, hair scrunchy, saharine, pirate cap, beanie and bandana.

Here are the three designs I'm looking at.

Which one should I get?

I'm also contemplating on getting running gloves. Mine just don't keep me warm at all.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Get Off it!

I'm off!
I recently saw my doctor, and he told me that I can get off Metformin and Spironolactone!
My first reaction wasn't exactly "jumping for joy" though.
I frieked.
These two meds have helped me lose weight quickly with eating right and exercise.
Now those two things are being taken out of the equation, and I'm super scared.
What if I start to gain weight?
What if I can't lose the weight I would gain?
He said that if I keep up my running and eat right, then I should be okay.
I sure hope he's right.
I've had enough setbacks (running injuries, sickness, etc.).

I should be happy though because I did accomplish one of my goals from last year.
I'm no longer in danger of becoming diabetic, and my cholesterol is normal.
Here is my "big pat on my back!"
I go back in 6 months for new bloodwork just to make sure all is good.
Yesterday I had an awesome 4 mile run.
I'm really happy that I can run 4-5 miles with minimal pain on the balls of my feet,
but I wish I could go faster.
Energy-wise I'm doing great. I'm not struggling too bad in my last half mile.
I guess I just need to keep at it, and I can go faster.
Anyway, I'm not racing anyone but myself.

How are you doing on your runs and/or exercises? Are you running out of gas at the end or are you pushing yourself enough?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Goals

Time to set some goals for this year.
I'm publishing this, so I am now accountable.
Those with * means I already do and will continue to do.
1.   Run 4 times a week.
2.   Runner's Therapy Exercises everyday*
3.   free weights 3 times a week for upper body
4.   Eat fish twice a week.
5.   Eat whole grains, fruit, and veggies everyday.
6.   Sweets and salty snacks only on Saturdays
7.   Read my scriptures for 2 hours a week.
8.   Post about my journey here 4 times a week.
9.   Weigh only on Saturday mornings.*
10.   Be thankful for my blessings.

What are your 2011 goals?

Monday, January 3, 2011


It snowed here.
I woke up at 6 a.m. ready to run.
I go outside, and this is what I saw.

Okay, so this is an exaggeration.
And it's not my yard.
Although it might as well have been.
It snows in the valley about every few years, and of course it hits
the same time I've been itching to run.
It would've been fine if the ground wasn't too wet.
I'm just too clumsy, and I'm sure I would've slipped and fallen flat on my bum.
I was so upset that I tried to pick a fight with my hubby about me not having a gym membership to one of the clubs that has an indoor running track.
I hate the treadmill, and I'm not allowed to run on it anyway.
He says to me, "Why not go on the elliptical?."
I gave him a look.
We've had this convo before.
I HATE the elliptical. Mostly because it's inside, and I've become a lover of breathing somewhat fresher air.
I say "somewhat" because I live in a city full of cars. It's not exactly mountain air I'm breathing outside.
It is outdoors though, and running outside keeps me sane.
You know that shirt that says, "Running is my therapy?"
Well... in my case... it really is.
The stresses of being a stepmother to a couple of very challenging kids, my husband's every now and then not-so-nice remarks about anything, and being a mommy to twin toddlers can take a toll on me.
In short, I need to run.

What's your "therapy?"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cold + Rain = Me No Run Outside

Whoa! I'm so proud of myself!
I can't believe that I'm posting for the second consecutive day.
It's even during the holidays!
I admit that I haven't been the best at posting
for the past 3 months, and it can mostly
be attributed to my inability to being as physically active
and/or running.
To quote Gaston's (Belle's other love interest) sidekick, I've been a little "down in the dumps."

I had a late night last night, and I was pretty tired when I woke up at 7 a.m. this morning.
However, I was still excited about the 5 miles I ran yesterday, and I didn't want to run a full 5 miles on Saturday.
So... I put on my running shoes and ran.
I decided to run only 2 miles today because 5 miles was a lot for me.
I hadn't run that much in one run since before my 10K back in August.
The second I started running it started pouring.
I think the weather knows when I'm going out for a run.
I can guarantee that it will be
or will rain.
What's up with that?
It's like the cosmos are telling me not to run.
Anyway, against my doctor's advice, I went to our clubhouse and ran my 2 miles on the dreadmill.
I... was... so... bored.
I've been spoiled.
I've been running outside where the mountains are dusted with a little snow,
and don't let me forget about the occasional drivers that I sometimes have
to dodge because they're not paying attention to me and my bright red windbreaker running at them.
I really hope I didn't mess myself up again.
So far so good though.
Just the normal soreness.
I loved it when it rained on me in the summer just after a run.
Now that it's in the 40's, I'm not so much a fan of the wet stuff.
I might have to cave in and join the gym.
A few of the gyms here have indoor tracks, and I loved trying it out last summer.
That would mean that I could run in the afternoons or at night.

Do you have a gym membership?

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I'm officially done with my leg treatments, and I'm happy to say that I've been running a lot more.
Before my leg therapy, I was running about 5 miles a week with lots of pain.
Now I can run 9-13 miles a week with almost no pain.
I'm so very grateful to have found this sports injury specialist.
He basically diagnosed my problem- it's my pelvis.
He said that being pregnant with the twins really did a number on my stability,
and he has prescribed tons of pelvic strengthening exercises... FOR LIFE.
Yes, you read that right.
I need to do them for life.
Even when I had to stop running for a few weeks I noticed that I felt like I was limping while I was walking.
The doctor told me that I was tilting forward every time I walked, ran, and stood up.
That put a lot of pressure and weight on my calves, and my left calf couldn't take it.
Running that way really did it in for my left calf, and thus my injury.
He said this injury is very typical for a female mother who is also trying to lose weight by running.
I'm not 100% yet, but I'm getting there.
The temperature here ranges around 40-70 degrees throughout the week, and I love it!
Running in the cold air at first makes me want to just stay in bed in the mornings,
but I know that as soon as I warm up I will love it immediately.
I hope you've found an exercise that you love or at least can tolerate because it means you're getting closer to your goals.
I've definitely gained a few pounds from having to refrain from exercise and/or running these past 3 months, but I'm going to keep on it.
No more excuses!

Have a healthy and happy day!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Oh Boy

Okay, I confess. This week could've been better.
Last Monday I did some kickboxing for 30 minutes.
I know it has been a while since I've done that kind of workout,
but my legs and buns were killing me the very next day.
I think it was the million squats and kicks I did.
Anyway, I was super sore, and took a couple of days off.
How bad was that?
This leg injury has gotten me lazy.
You may be asking, "How is she able to do kickboxing with this leg injury?"
Well... I've actually be with little to no pain in my leg if I don't jump on it. Hence the no running/hard impact on it.
It stinks.
Did I mention that Twin Boy has had a tummy virus for a week now? I called the pediatrician, and his nurse said I just have to let it run its course. Fun. NOT!
I feel awful for the little guy.
I also feel like all I ever do is change diapers.
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a little more energy than usual.
I've been up at 3 a.m. for 3 days straight from Twin Boy walking up cranky.
I told my hubby last night that it's his turn. Hehe.
I woke up this morning, and pumped the tires up on my bike!
I couldn't believe it. My tires were in good shape.
I dusted the seat off, put on the gel padded seat, and got on.
It felt great to feel the wind brush against my hair and face.
Suddenly I didn't feel like a total lazy bum.
Let's talk about my bum. Oh my goodness. I quickly remembered why riding this bike wasn't a fave.
My bum started hurting right away. Maybe I'll get used to it? What do you think?
Anyway... I had fun, and I only went for 30 minutes- up hill most of the way. Ouch.
I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow.
I'm planning on going out for an hour tomorrow. I think it'll do me some good.

Have a super scary and fun Halloween!

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Waiting

Food Temptation of the Week:  Candy, what else? Oh yeah... maybe all the chili and cornbread you can eat at a cook-off we're going to on Saturday.

My "jog" went really well. I had very little to no pain at all on my left leg.
This made me very excited because it has been a while since I've felt good.
I was supposed to see my chiro on Wednesday, but the building they just moved into isn't ready.
I have to wait until next Monday. I'm hoping that he'll tell me that I can start running. Even running slowly and shorter distances in the beginning would be great. We've had some rain for almost a week now, but the air is cool. I'm loving the weather. This morning I took the twins out for a walk, but I don't know how much I'll be able to do that anymore. Twin Girl REFUSES to sit in the double jogging stroller. She finds a way to climb out of her 5-point seatbelt and stands. I then take her out in fear of her falling off while I'm pushing the stroller. Then she wants me to carry her. That doesn't work. It has been quite frustrating, and I feel very guilty for trying to get in some activity while they're in the stroller a few days a week. This is what I've decided to do to help me keep my fitness up and maybe lose these 10 pounds I've packed on since being re-injured in August.

Monday:  1 hour walk, 1 hour kickboxing
Tuesday:  1 hour kickboxing, 30 minutes upper body
Wednesday:  rest day
Thursday:  1 bike ride (if tires aren't flat) or 1 hour kickboxing, 30 minutes upper body
Friday:  1 hour bike ride or 1 hour kickboxing
Saturday: 1 hour bike ride or 1 hour kickboxing, 30 minutes upper body
Sunday:  rest day

Friday, October 15, 2010

From One to Another

People ask me, "Why do I run?."
I answer,
"Because it's addicting. It's addicting because the fat melts off your body VERY quickly.
It's addicting because
it clears my head,
the weather is getting cooler, and
it's my 'me time.'"
I just finished reading Tricia's latest post,
and I totally agree with her.
As runners, we put our bodies through a lot.
As I've told my new doc, I can block out 90% of the pain when I'm running.
He said, "That's great for a runner, but it isn't exactly safe."
We both laughed. He knew what I meant. He has been running for 30 years.
I've done all kinds of workouts, and running is definitely different.
I never thought I could do it.
I never even wanted to in the first place.
I just know that after all this therapy, I AM going to run again.
This time around, I have learned to take it slow.
Running is a race, but it's a race that I'm in charge of.
The time, personal records, speed, intensity, miles... they're up to me.

I hope you find your "love."

I "jog" two miles tomorrow and have to report the outcome with my doctor. I'll post about it next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

You'd Better Work!

So I've been out of commission. I've been dealing with a painful leg problem since May, and I just started accepting that it's bothering me more than I was willing to admit. How much have I run since my race in August? Probably about 10 times. What was my longest run since then? Probably 4 miles. How often did I hurt after running? Probably every single time.

I went to my family physician.
He had X-rays taken.
No stress fractures.
He had an ultrasound done on my entire left leg.
No bloodclots. Thank goodness!
He sent me to a physical therapist.
At the first appointment, she said it was tendonitis.
At the second appointment, she said it was the small flexor muscles.
She couldn't show it to me on a diagram to help explain what was going on.
I lost faith in her. I stopped going.
I went back to my family physician to explain how frustrated I was.
He referred me to a chiropractor who specializes with athletes and runners.
This is what he told me.
It makes sense.
He also explained that my pelvis is totally messed up from having twins, and I need to strengthen it. My left arch is also much lower than my right, and it causes me to run basically on one leg. Crazy, but I actually understand all this.
The treatment he gave me was a specific and very painful massage (have 2 places where I have scar tissue), laser therapy, and taped up my foot.
He told me to continue my cardiovascular activity- bike, elliptical.
He told me to jog for two miles, take the tape off, and see how I feel.
For the first time since having this leg problem, I actually feel like I got answers.
I'm sorry for this long post, but getting down in writing has made me realize just how important it is for me to not lose this connection with you all. I haven't strayed from my "Get Healthy" journey. I've just been a little preoccupied.
Now time for some honesty.
I allowed this problem to get the best of me.
I have gained almost ten pounds.
I did try to get back to running after my first 10K even when it hurt.
However, I allowed the pain and not being able to continue with my regular running get to me emotionally.
I've been eating.
I've been told by my family physician and also my chiropractor to not lose the drive and enthusiam, and also fitness level by decreasing my food intake and continuing some type of cardio.
Today I am going out for a walk with my twins.

Thank you for your support and patience with me. I will be running again. I just have to be PATIENT.

Compartment syndrome (CS) is a serious condition that develops when pressure within blood vessels (perfusion pressure) drops lower than tissue pressure within a closed space (compartment) in the body. CS can be either acute or chronic and can be limb- or life- threatening condition.

A compartment is formed by muscle groups that contain nerves and blood vessels. The compartment is covered by a tough, inelastic membrane (fascia) that is not able to expand sufficiently when pressure increases within the space. The resulting syndrome is a painful condition that most often occurs following trauma, vascular injury, excessive activity, or vigorous exercise. CS most commonly occurs in the extremities such as in the arms, hands, feet, or legs, but may also occur in the buttocks or abdomen. Untreated, severe compartment syndrome can cause a series of physiologic events that may eventually lead to kidney (renal) failure and death.

Chronic compartment syndrome is most often caused by injury from vigorous exercise or overuse of a muscle group and develops most often in the legs. Although the syndrome stops when the offending activity stops, compartment pressure can stay elevated for hours afterward causing pain and numbness. This can present significant problems for endurance athletes such as runners or cyclists.  The athlete with chronic compartment syndrome may complain of leg pain that occurs while exercising and that is relieved when at rest; this pain may have been experienced for weeks or months.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Still Here

Hello out there! I know it seems like forever since I've posted, and I really am sorry.
I've been down (emotionally, physically) because of my leg pain.
It comes and goes. One day I think I'm totally cured and I run.
The following day bites me hard on my butt.
I'm so tired of being in pain.
I'm so close to just wrapping my leg and continue running with the pain (like I've been doing since May).
Okay, I'll listen to you and everyone here and not do that.
I'm so frustrated.
I just want to run regularly and maintain my weight loss.
It has been almost a month and a half since I've run regularly.
I've been running once or twice a week and then the pain kills me on  the following days.
I've cancelled my 10K race in November. I might do the 5K, but I'm not sure.
I have been referred to see a sports therapy/kinesiologist/chiropractor next week.
I've heard from my hubby's ultra marathoner friend that the doctor is amazing.
I can't wait to get started with my recovery.
To those of you who are total champs and keeping up with your "Get healthy" journeys, I'm proud of you.
To those of you who keep checking up on me, THANK YOU. I'm not giving up. I'm still here.
I'm not running right now, so I have cut down on my food intake.
I'm working with free weights for upper body and abs.

I'll see you all here again after my doctor visit. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm heading to my doctor's office tomorrow for an ultrasound on my left leg. I've been praying that it isn't a bloodclot that's been giving me pain since May. I've also been praying that I get answers and something can be done to get me better. All this has really gotten me down, and I can't wait to start running on Saturday. Hopefully, I'll be running without pain!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Weeks

I finally went back to my family physician about my left leg pain.
I've been suffering from this pain since May.
It comes and goes, but it never COMPLETELY goes away.
I've probably been "less than smart" about putting this visit off, but what can I say?
I'm a runner. I love to run. I am also stubborn.
They took X-rays and found no fractures.
I'm scheduled for an ultrasound next week to rule out a bloodclot.
I started physical therapy last Friday. The PT says it's the posterior tibial tendon that has been bothering me.

I've been doing exercises, stretches, and ice massages to my leg. For the first time ever, I'm feeling hopeful that I'll soon be running free from pain!

Have a happy and healthy week!

Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm a traitor.
I'm sorry Asics, but it just felt right.
I purchased my first pair of running shoes (Asics 2150) on February 26, 2010- day after my birthday. LOL.
It has been six months and over 400 miles since then.
Runners need to replace their running shoes every 300-400 miles and even earlier if they run on rougher terrain.
How am I a traitor?
The new pair of running shoes I purchased was the Saucony Omni 8.
They just came out with the Omni 9's, but the 8's were a great fit for me.
I'm super excited to run this morning.
The owner of the store (Fleet Feet) who fitted me said he also suffers from Morton's Neuroma, but having the right orthotics and high stability shoes keeps him running without pain.
I really hope that's what I found in this new of pair of shoes.

I had an awesome 5 mile run on Tuesday morning (before I purchased the new shoes).
I'll be running 3.5 miles today.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a happy and healthy weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday- Throw it Out Day

Today I cleaned.
I cleaned out the master closet, pantry, and first floor coat closet.
I cleaned them out for donations and trash.
It felt amazing!

We're going to be moving out of our wonderful home due to foreclosure in the next 5-6 months.
Yes, it's very upsetting.
We're leaving the only home my twins have known.
It's the home we took the twins to when they came from the hospital.
It's me and my husband's first home together.
I know we'll survive it.
Home is where we are as a family.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Decide Everyday

I had a conversation with a friend of mine about commitment.
She has a sister who recently lost her husband through suicide.
She said her sister has to wake up every day and decide/commit to be happy.
By doing this she has endured and is succeeding in helping herself and her children to heal and cope with the loss of her husband.

I'm very blessed to not have to go through something as sad as this.
I need to look at my life and be thankful for so much.
If my friend's sister can wake up and commit to be happy and endure what she has been, then I certainly can wake up every morning and decide/commit myself to be happy and live healthy for that day.

Take baby steps.

Take it one day at a time.

It seems so simple, yet it's so difficult for so many of us.

What do you commit to today?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let It Ride

I'll be expermenting with crosstraining to run better nd faster for my 5K race in November.

Research shows that rest days (days when you take off activity altogether or do another physical activity other than running) can improve your running. You build and strengthen other muscles and therefore create a stronger body all around.

I'll be riding a stationary bike again. I'm sure my legs will thank me. I still haven't gotten anyone to ride my bike with me or teach me anyway. It's a 21 speed bike, and I never really learned how to play with the gears. You can laugh, it's okay.
It's too hot anyway to go outside and run/bike unless I'm willing to wake up at 4:30 a.m. again. I just have to wait out the heat another 2 or 3 weeks, I think.

Today's Fuel: grains for breakfast and lunch, grilled tilapia with mango salsa, sauteed green beans, 2 nectarines

Today's Activity: Insanity (first time)

Have a happy and healthy day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Personal Best

I reluctantly woke up this morning at 6 a.m.
and forgetting what I needed to do.

Then I remembered.

Today is the first day of my recommittment.

I'm committing myself to

  • more whole grains

  • more vegetables

  • crosstraining

  • breathing, breathing, breathing
The "breathing" part is to conjure up more patience for the challenges that I'm facing about

  • being a stay-at-home-mom to 2 yo twins

  • maintaining my weight loss

  • getting leaner and stronger core
Despite how I woke up this morning, I actually had a great run! I ran a 9:43 pace! This is definitely a new personal best!

I did fartleks. That's right. That's not a "type-o."
Fartlek is a form of road running or cross country running in which the runner, usually solo, varies the pace significantly during the run. It is usually regarded as an advanced training technique, for the experienced runner who has been using interval training to develop speed and to raise the anaerobic threshold. However, the 'average' runner can also benefit from a simplified form of Fartlek training, to develop self-awareness and to introduce variety into the training program.
I felt like I could've ran another mile, but I am just coming back from injury. I need to pace myself.

Today's Fuel:  1 cup oj, whole grains, nectarine, turkey bacon-covered shrimp and grits, steamed broccoli
Today's Activities:  3.6 mile run, upper body with free weights

Have a happy and healthy day!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where Have I Been?


Where have I been?
I've been hanging out at my mom's house since Thursday, and I've been running errands.
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted about my fabulous life. Oh yes... fabulous! I just finished cleaning up an ocean of Apple Jacks cereal and milk spilled on the twins' table and chairs, not to mention especially the floor. Oh yeah, let's not forget the overnight diapers I had to change!
Twin Boy has been sleeping successfully on his toddler bed while Twin Girl has been climbing out of her crib because of pure jealousy. The solution? A toddler bed for Twin Girl.
I bought one for Twin Girl on Thursday, and to my wonderful surprise one of my best girlfriends offered me her son's toddler bed. The only stipulation was that I hand it over to her sister once she starts having kids. That'll be at least a couple of years, since she just got married and isn't interested in getting pregnant anytime soon!
How lucky was that?

I ran 3.68 miles on Friday, and boy was it hard.
I've been recuperating and healing up my shin splints (by the way, they still hurt). I think I'm just being stubborn about going to my doc for help. I know he'll tell me to stop running for a couple of weeks and probably even send me to a PT. It was SUPER HOT on Friday. I looked at the forecast before I ran at 7 a.m., and it said it was 84 degrees. To some of you, that might be nice enough. However, for me... it was dreadful. It was also humid. I drank half my water (20 ounces) before I was at 2 miles. There wasn't a lot of shade, and the sun was unforgivable. I went home and saw just how hot it was. I got a serious tan on my arms and legs. I think my run would've been more enjoyable if I had gone earlier. Why did I go so late, you ask? Well, I woke up at 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday to do some church stuff- basically didn't get enough sleep. Then on Thursday, I woke up at 6 a.m. I didn't get to bed early enough the night before. I've learned through some reading and personal experiences that you have a better run when you get a good night's sleep two nights before. Believe me, it's true. So if you're super excited the night before your race and can't fall asleep... don't worry. It's the sleep two nights before that realy counts!

Yesterday I was bad and had white rice. I thought I was over it, but I'm not. I woke up this morning feeling bloated. I'm not used to eating it anymore. I really need to have it once a week or even less and just enjoy it without the guilt. Starting Monday I'll be recommitting myself by way of eating healthier and training.

I've posted my training before, but I've changed this up a little.

Monday:  3.5 mile run, upper body
Tuesday:  Insanity or bike ride and corework
Wednesday:  3.5 mile run, upper body
Thursday:  Insanity or bike ride and corework
Friday:  5 mile run, upper body

Have a happy and healthy weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Last Saturday, I was "high" off of my first 10K race.
It has been four days since that wonderful event, and I've been trying to be patient.
I'm "patiently" waiting for my body to recover.
I'm waiting for my left leg to heal from a really bad case of shin splints.
I've been praying that I'm not suffering from one or more stress fractures there.
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being labor pains from the twins)... it was an 8 on Sunday.
Today it's more like a 4. That's wonderfully better, but not 100% better.
I was planning on doing a 3 mile run on Thursday, but I'm going to wait until Friday and do one on Saturday too.
I think it'll be okay. I'll just wrap it.
I told you that I will be doing Insanity twice a week and running 3 miles 3 times a week (Insanity in between). I still plan on doing that.
I'm signing up for a 5K in November and February. They're only $25 per event, and you get a fun sweatshirt to go with them!

I have a confession.
For the past couple of days... I've been eating cereal twice a day- breakfast and lunch.
I've been eating two fruits and then a healthy dinner. Last night, I broiled some salmon and sauteed spinach. It was delish. 
I guess I'm tired of the same old tortillas and english muffins. The twins have really hit the "terrible two's." This means they're pretty frustrated because they know what they want at a time yet they don't exactly have the words to tell me or my hubby. It's very frustrating for all of us.
So... I have to practice patience.
Patience with the goal to lower my fat percentage.
Patience with the yucky stretch marks and extra skin on my belly from having twins.
Patience with the screaming and frustrated twin toddlers.
Patience with meal-planning.
Breathe, I say to myself.

How are you dealing with your "get healthy" journey?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Race Day Pics!

Here are a few of the pics from my first race!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I trained.
I ran.
I finished 6.2 miles.
I finished in 65 minutes and 12 seconds.
I completed the 10K ten minutes faster than I thought I would!

I am so humbled by the efforts of all the runners last Saturday.
The run wasn't easy.
It was warmer than it has been for the past two weeks.
There was a hill 1.5 miles long. It was fun going down. It was hard going up.

All I can say is that I am proud of myself.
I am a runner.

Thank you to my hubby, twins, mom, and sisters for loving me through my training and "get healthy" journey.

Thank you to my new friends (my readers) for your support and encouraging words.

Thank you to my friends who ran with me on my training runs.

I'm sorry that this post doesn't have any pictures from the race. My mom and hubby took pics, but they haven't uploaded them yet. I'll try to get them this week.

I am super sore from the race, so I'm taking a break from running until Thursday.

Today's Fuel:  grains, veggies, milk, soup, orange, apple, lean beef in soup
Today's Activity:  free weights for arms and upper body

I'm looking into doing a 5K in November and definitely one in February.
Having something to train for will be the key to maintainance.

I am loved and so very blessed.
I hope you're "kicking butt" with your journey.

I'll see you here again tomorrow.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just Another MInute?

"Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The answer is usually: 'Yes'."

-Paul Tergat, Kenyan professional marathoner
I ask myself this when I start feeling like I have no more to give to my run. The answer 99% of the time has been, "Yes."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Whining

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"

- Peter Maher, Canadian marathon runner

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where are you at?

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."

-Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Little Encouragment

Expect results each and every day!

Monday, August 9, 2010


I've learned to get over it.

My goal was to get to 120 pounds.
I didn't make it by the first Saturday of August 2010.
I weigh 125 pounds.
Did I ever think I would get to this point? Heck no.
Up until last January I thought I was destined to be fat, tired, and uninterested in living a healthier life.
I am now
I can now
run without passing out,
be more flexible, and
enjoy my life even more with my hubby and twins.
I am blessed
to have my family,
and you blog readers
to support me and cheer me on.
My first race is on Saturday.
I'm very excited and also nervous at the same time.

Fuel:  eating clean with a little extra carbs
Activity:  3.5 mile run outside, corework, legs

Fuel:  eating clean with a little extra carbs
Activity:  3.5 mile run outside, arms and upperbody with free weights

Fuel:  eating clean with a little extra carbs
Activity:  3.5 mile run outside, corework, legs

Fuel:  eating clean with  a little extra carbs
Activity:  rest and at least 8 hours of sleep

Fuel:  spaghetti for lunch and dinner, fruits, veggies
Activity:  rest and at least 8 hours of sleep

Fuel:  pineapple rings, oj, toast, steak and eggs breakfast, light lunch, celebratory dinner
Activity:  10K race

Have a happy and healthy day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Kiss my Face


I've been so very blessed to be able to wake up so very early in the morning and run outside. The city lights are still on when I head out the door. The sun hasn't risen yet. Not even a tiny bit. We live above 95% of the city, and it's quite beautiful (urban view) in a different sense. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, and most of those people live in more rural parts. I don't have the luxury of large fields or quiet solitude like them, but I do find some beauty in the city I live in. The temps have ranged from high 70's-low 90's. That's pretty wonderful compared to the 100's during the day.

Today I'm running my long run- 7 miles. It will be the last time I run this distance for a long time unless I decide to run another 10K in the future. I haven't decided just yet. I keep my shorter runs under 4 miles because my feet still hurt like heck when I hit 4 miles. I've been told by two doctors to stop running and take up something else, but I haven't found anything I like besides dancing. Maybe I should go into that. Hmm... There's a thought. It would have to be something I do at least 4 times a week.

I weigh myself for my "final weigh-in" tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it. I know I'm not down to 120 pounds. That's okay. I've come a very long way. I'm proud of my accomplishments.

*lost 38 pounds
*can run 8 miles without stopping
*run 5-6 times a week
*lift 10 pound weights for many reps
*became more flexible
*lost 21% body fat
*wear size 4 and/or small in clothing
*developed muscle tissue in legs
*toned arms
*have more energy to take care of twins
*less stressed in marriage

Friday's Fuel:  eating clean
Friday's Activity:  7 mile run

Saturday's Fuel:  eating clean, yummy dinner and dessert, experimenting with dried pineapple rings
Saturday's Activity:  rest

Sunday's Fuel:  eating clean, experimenting with dried pineapple rings
Sunday's Activity:  rest

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gym Etiquette

This post has been written by an irritated and offended person.
Please forgive her rant.

Last week when I was running one of my short runs (3.5 miles) a new gym user came in to work out.
I saw her there the week before. She came in and hopped on the treadmill two feet away from mine. I was in the middle of my run, and it was very easy for me to see what she was doing. She started running. She started running at my pace. I was already at my faster pace. After running for two minutes, she slows to a pace that's too fast for walking and is bent over on to the console of the treadmill. I thought she was going to stumble on her feet and fall over. She was there for 10 minutes... hanging on to an obviously "too fast" setting on the treadmill. This has always bewildered me about some people at gyms. Why set the treadmill at that speed when it's so obvious it's too fast and you're inevitably going to fall and/or hurt yourself? So then I finish my run. I always spray the machine with disinfectant the gym provides and paper towels too. It was very clean when I gathered all of my belongings and got off of the machine. I started to stretch my legs and cool down. The minute I got off of the machine she quickly got off of hers (an identical machine like the treadmill I was on) and started disinfecting it and wiping it down AGAIN!!! I couldn't believe how rude she was! Was she for real? Yes, I was perspiring A LOT. That's what happens when you run for an extended amount of time, but I cleaned up after myself. After she did her "thorough" clean-up, she hopped on my machine and started running. Of course, she again was bent over and hung on to the machine and for her dear life. What I really wanted to do was unplug the stupid thing and see where she would land. Hehe. Okay... that was mean. Anyway... she could've waited five minutes and let me leave before she started her disinfection process. Oh, how irritated I was.

Gym Etiquette... some people have it and some people don't.

Today's Activity:  3.5 miles up that hill again, upper body with weights
Today's Fuel:  clean eating

I've decided that I'm going to start Insanity on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Core work on Tuesdays and Thursdays too.
I'll work with free weights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I'll only run 3.5 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I'll do something active and fun on Saturdays- walk with the twins, walk a mall, hike, etc.
This will begin on Monday, August 16. My 10K training will be done by then.

My stepkids leave tonight! I am so frieking happy!

Have a happy and healthy day! I'm not irritated anymore.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Slippery Slope

According to recent studies, 95% of people will gain back the weight they lose within a few years, and 41% of those who attempt dieting will eventually gain back more weight than they lost.

Sad, isn't it?
I don't mean to be a "downer" today, but believe it or not, my mind has been racing with scary thoughts. I have 3 days until my "final" weigh-in. I can tell you right now that I probably won't make my goal weight by then. I'll be missing it by 5 pounds. I'm not moping about it. I've come a very long way from where I started. I'm grateful for the progress and life changes I made. I guess I've been a little worried about keeping it off.

It's a slippery slope. The slope I'm talking about is the "maintenance" portion of being at a healthy weight. I've never done it. The last time I lost 45 pounds I just met my husband, started eating what I wanted, and gradually gained 15 pounds in 10 months. It doesn't sound like a big deal, right? Well... after the wedding, I really started packing on the weight. He did too. Hehe. It was the dumb deep fryer we registered for! We were making homemade tortilla chips and roasted corn guacamole dips every weekend. Who wouldn't gain weight from that? I eventually gained back all the weight I had lost. Anyway, I've been contemplating just joining Weight Watchers to help me be more accountable to maintain it. What do you think? I could probably lose the last five pounds, make "lifetime goal," and not pay future fees if I keep myself from gaining less than 3 pounds a month. I think that's how it still works. I'm not really sure.

Yesterday's run was awesome. I have a friend who has been doing and teaching Krav Maga for a 1 1/2 years, and I outran her! I couldn't believe it either. Her training doesn't make her run crazy miles though.

Wonderful News:  My stepkids are leaving early! They're leaving a 1 1/2 weeks early. I am so freaking happy!

Today's Fuel:  clean eating
Today's Activity:  core work, legs, 3.5 miles up that hill again

Happy day!