Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Personal Best

I reluctantly woke up this morning at 6 a.m.
and forgetting what I needed to do.

Then I remembered.

Today is the first day of my recommittment.

I'm committing myself to

  • more whole grains

  • more vegetables

  • crosstraining

  • breathing, breathing, breathing
The "breathing" part is to conjure up more patience for the challenges that I'm facing about

  • being a stay-at-home-mom to 2 yo twins

  • maintaining my weight loss

  • getting leaner and stronger core
Despite how I woke up this morning, I actually had a great run! I ran a 9:43 pace! This is definitely a new personal best!

I did fartleks. That's right. That's not a "type-o."
Fartlek is a form of road running or cross country running in which the runner, usually solo, varies the pace significantly during the run. It is usually regarded as an advanced training technique, for the experienced runner who has been using interval training to develop speed and to raise the anaerobic threshold. However, the 'average' runner can also benefit from a simplified form of Fartlek training, to develop self-awareness and to introduce variety into the training program.
I felt like I could've ran another mile, but I am just coming back from injury. I need to pace myself.

Today's Fuel:  1 cup oj, whole grains, nectarine, turkey bacon-covered shrimp and grits, steamed broccoli
Today's Activities:  3.6 mile run, upper body with free weights

Have a happy and healthy day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yaay for your awesome run! I love when I have a run that makes me feel so good while doing it and after!!!

Oh...and I totally thought it said fart-leak. I was like...what the heck????....hahaha

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am definatley going to increase my water.