Thursday, April 15, 2010

Growing Young

Sometimes I think to myself that it would be wonderful to start out old and then die young.
You remember that Brad Pitt movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, right?
I just think sometimes that we would probably have more to look forward to if we were to get younger every year. A little morbid and melancholy, I know.
This weight loss journey has been a little bit like the movie for me.
How so?
Well, if I hadn't lost the weight that I've lost so far...
I wouldn't be able to run as far and as long as I can now.
I wouldn't be able to go up and down the stairs of my house without losing my breath as I carry both the twins in my arms.
I wouldn't be able to do 20 jump squats without fainting or 20 real push-ups without stopping and falling on my face.
I wouldn't have the guts to post in FaceBook that I'll be running a 5K.
I wouldn't have been able to give away my bigger clothes.
I wouldn't have been able to go shopping and actually have fun doing it.
So I guess in a way I'm having a "Benjamin Button" experience of my own.
I feel younger as I lose more weight.
It has all been due to the fact that I decided to lose weight and began a healthier lifestyle.
That's the hardest part, isn't it? To start?
I've been reading weight loss blogs since January of this year, and it sounds like we all have very similar struggles.
Clean Eating.
I guess if it was easy to be our skinny selves, then everyone in the world would be skinny.
This journey has many casualties. I am choosing not to be a casualty. I'm done with being heavy.
This journey has only begun for me. I still have over 16 pounds to lose.
Will it be hard? Yes.
Will I want to give up? Yes.
Will I do it anyway? Absolutely.

Today I'm thankful for naps.
They're so great to take, and they're so wonderful when the twins take them!

Yesterday I told you that I was going to try to run for 20 minutes without stopping. With tears in my eyes, I am very happy to let you know that I ran for 40 minutes straight. I burned about 380 calories, and when I was done with my warm-up, run, and cool-down the screen said I reached over 4 miles. I was very thirsty, and I drank periodically (while spilling it all over my shirt) as I continued to run. I felt strong. I felt invincible. I won't let myself get in the way of my goals.

Today's Food and Activities
45 minute walk with twins
Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
upper body with free weights
1 cup Go Lean cereal, 1/2 cup 1% milk
7 almonds
grilled chicken and veggies
1 apple
7 almonds
lobster ravioli and veggies

Have a happy and healthy day!


Debbie said...

What a great blog, and it would be great to get younger every year. I also feel better everyday. You are doing so good with your running keep it up.

Girlie said...

OH MA GOSH!!! That is so great 'M'! Seriously, what a motivating experience for you (and in a weird way, me too!). You totally motivate and inspire me. I can't believe you did over 4 miles too. Because I might be able to do a slow jog for (not)40 minutes and I'd maybe get like half a mile in. That means you did like under a 10 minute mile. You rock my socks!

Also, you have such a good attitude. Even after my small amount of weight loss, I'll get down on myself when I look in the mirror and think, "Good heck, I still have such a long way to go!" instead of thinking that had I not made these efforts I'd still be squeezing into my pants, etc.

I am so happy you blog. :)

LeeLee said...

What a wonderful entry!!! I have been doing the same thing, reading Blogs about other people's weight loss journey! I find it very inspiring and know I'm not alone! Oh and thanks to you I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism & had a great workout! :D I burnt 518 calories & felt AMAZING!!! I'm going to try adding that in my workout plan 3 days a week! Thank you again for all of you motivation!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting way to look at it! Congrats on 40 min! Wow!

Tricia said...

40 minutes is AWESOME!