Check your scales, ladies and gentlemen!
Your FOOD SCALES, that is.
Okay... at the risk of sounding a little OCD again...
I had a feeling that my food scale wasn't exactly accurate.
It was about 8 years old, non-digital, and pretty grubby looking.
I was very careful at measuring the meat and cheeses I have been eating ever since I started this weight loss journey back in January.
Guess what!?!?
My scale has not been accurate for at least the past week.
I noticed that I had to measure and remeasure my food a few times because the scale was giving me various weights.
No, I don't weigh all of my food. I just weigh the ones that measure by ounces.
I threw out that stupid old non-working scale and bought me this digital beauty.
It is so beautiful and very accurate.
I measured my lean ham deli slices at 2 ounces, and I was shocked.
I was putting twice as much of that meat in my english muffins all of last week!
Don't even get me started on how much cream cheese I actually put on all of those muffins!
Yikes! That may be one of the reasons why I only had a 1/2 pound loss.
I measured all my meats and cheeses with that dumb non-working scale!
Anyways... this might be a small issue with you, but it's a pretty big deal to me.
Eating 4 oz. of pork sirloin is much healthier than almost 8 oz.!
So now...
*P90X is on its way to my house.
*I got a new, beautiful, digital, WORKING food scale.
*I'm running for longer times.
*I've put in yoga in my routine.
*I'm working with weights.
*I'm working on my abs.
I have no more excuses for small losses.
Today's Food and Activities
20 minute run
upper body with free weights
1 cup Go Lean cereal, 1/2 cup 1% milk
7 almonds
grilled chicken and veggies
1 apple
7 almonds
Parmesan crusted fish and veggies
1 WW cake
Have a happy and healthy day!
I just bought a digital scale a few weeks ago and I LOVE it's accuracy! It is so worth the investment!
I'm so excited for you starting P90X, You are going to love the AB & Yoga workout!!! Have a Great One!
That scale looks might impressive! Sure it is a tad OCD, but I think that pushes people into being more successful.
As for the husband/Ohio connection -- that is too cool. i've been anonymous for almost 4 years now & just recently leaked that i live in Ohio. What part of Ohio -- Columbus, or just a Bucks fan??
I recently put yoga into my routine too. I always thought, "Oh, yoga is just stretching." But let me tell you, it made some muscles hurt that I didn't even know I had.
I am glad you gave your scale the boot!! I used to never, ever use a scale. I thought the proportions I was giving myself was pretty accurate but boy was I wrong. I would always over guess on ounces. Good thing you got a new scale! I love them to death.
PS. I think it is so great that you make almost all the food for your family!! I've been making each meal for my hub and me for the last 3 weeks, and good grief, it gets tiresome. I totally applaud you for doing it so consistently for your entire family. Can't wait to see how your next results turn out! I am sure they'll be awesome.
I really need to get myself a food scale...I try and tell my boyfriend that he's heaping my plate WAY too high and he doesn't believe me. I think it'd be an eye opener for both of us!
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