Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What I Would Run For

How bad is it that I would run for this?
It's a gel that runners eat before and while running to help replenish what they've lost and give them an extra boost (the ones with caffeine, of course).
Yesterday I squished it (that's right, squished... it's like cake frosting consistency) into my mouth, and I was in LOVE.
It tasted like yummy candy.  I did feel a little bit more energized on the walk home.
I've been running my three miles and walking the rest home.

Of course, this isn't the only thing I would run for!

clarity of mind
weight loss
***escape from reality***

I was looking for a pair of leggings to wear under my sarong/pareo for hula practice, and I ran across a pair of size 7 denim capris (pre-marriage wear). I put them on, zipped them up, and it fit! I was amazed! I love that I've been losing weight every week, but hitting this milestone meant even more to me!

My friend, A, gave me a wonderful compliment on FaceBook the other day. I mentioned that I walked to and from the park for play day (5 miles). I didn't think it was that far, but then again distances seem shorter when you're usually in a car. LOL. She told me that I was amazing for walking the 5 miles, and that I inspired her to start working out. She has been working out for the last 3 weeks and almost 5 days a week. She had her baby in December, and had been tired of the baby weight. She is super sweet, and this totally made my day. Thanks, A!

Today's Activities and Food
rest day-no run
P90X upper body
1 cup Kashi Crunch, 1/2 cup nonfat milk
7 almonds
1 multigrain eng. muffin, 6 slices lean turkey meat, tomatoes, 1 TBS B&B spread
1 apple
7 almonds
baked salmon with spinach salad

Have a happy and healthy day!


Debbie said...

5 miles is a great walk. Good for you. And those size 7 capris WOW.. You have done amazing..

Amy E said...

I just started my own weight-loss journey - and blogging about it. Love reading yours! Thanks for sharing your story with us - and inspiring those of us that are just at the beginning with great inspiration!

LeeLee said...

AMAZING!!!! The 5 mile walk and fitting into a size 7 is Awesome! You keep on inspiring! I love your new pic. Get it Girl!!!!

becky said...

Thanks for your comment hon :) Congrats on reaching the size 7!! Your daily intake is so healthy, I find that so inspiring when I have such difficulty sticking to healthy foods. Keep it up!

Lindsay said...

I am dying to try out GU I think its just the name that is catchy to me! Congrats on all your success your doing awesome :)