Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun Reward

I originally wanted some cute earrings for my "20 pounds gone" reward,
but I couldn't decide which pair I wanted. I have way too many earrings anyway.
So... instead I bought myself a ring!
No, not a totally diamond-encrusted ring.
A fun one.
A really big and gaudy one! LOL.
I wanted something that would make me laugh and remind myself that I need to keep this journey fun because I'm in it for the long haul.

Here it is.
The picture makes it difficult to appreciate its sparkliness.
It's a champagne color and full of beads.

I had fun picking it out.
I hope it gives you a good laugh!

The stepkids are coming over for the weekend.
I'm gonna try to keep a cool head again.
Last time they were here wasn't too bad.
My hubby and I didn't fight, so it was actually a good weekend.

Friday's Plan
45 min. on stationary bike
10 min. abs
30 min. arms, shoulders, chest, and back
1 multigrain english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
1 lowfat english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
chicken stirfry with veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice
1 apple

Saturday's Plan
10 min. abs
30 min. arms, shoulders, chest, and back
1 multigrain english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
1 lowfat english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
2 small bagels, 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 cup carrots, 1 apple
1 WW lemon creme cake
Sunday's Plan
rest day
1 multigrain english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
1 lowfat english muffin, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef
7 almonds
4 oz. grilled chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, green beans with 2 tsp. olive oil

A big "thank you" to all my followers and readers.
I can't do this without you.
Have a happy and healthy weekend!
I'll see you back here on Monday!


BEE said...

cute ring
havea great weekend

MissHaneefa said...

Oh la la, fun!

Kerri & Katie said...

How fun! In time when you keep losing weight your fingers will shrink and you'll have to buy another one! (sad you have to shop again, right?)

Happy Weekend~

Integrity Daily said...

I love shopping for fun stuff and finding a new piece to wear :)

M, why always 7 almonds?