Thursday, March 4, 2010


The Truth: I really did fall off a mule when going down the Grand Canyon.
 It was me and my husband's first anniversary, and he took me to the Grand Canyon to celebrate. It was my first trip there. My "sure-footed" mule slipped on some rocks, and I was bucked off onto the side of the trail. The craziest part was I really could've died. Over 90% of the trail we were on were lined with huge boulders, but where I landed was full of soft dirt. Never mind that it was several thousands of feet high. I was truly blessed to have survived it with a sprained wrist and ankle. My left forearm was caught on the reigns, and my left ankle was caught on the stirrups.

When I was 19 and 23 I was involved in car accidents.
My mom, sister, and I were rear-ended when I was 19.
Although it wasn't a huge wreck, it did affect me for the rest of my life.
I haven't mentioned that I frequently have chronic and severe neck and shoulders pains.
I don't get enough blood circulating through these parts of my body and then to my brain, so I end up with  really bad headaches. These are the ones that I can sleep with and wake up with the following morning.
To help alleviate the pain, I've gone to chircopractors, physical therapists, taken prescription pain killers, and lots and lots of Advil. I used to get these headaches 4 days out of the week. Now I get them a couple of times every couple of weeks.
The second accident I was in occured when someone ran a red light and I (having a green arrow light) ran into her car. To this day I believe she was on her cell phone and wasn't paying attention. I was the third car out of the intersection that turned into a green arrow. There was no way I could've seen her. That accident may have made my aches and pains worse.

I've been doing A LOT of shoulder-building exercises with free weights, and words cannot describe just how difficult or painful they are to me.
I really hope that one day they won't be an issue because I'm strengthening those muscles.
It's funny how other people's mistakes can really affect you.

My husband was recently in a car accident. It was his friend's fault; he was driving. He said to me that he saw the oncoming car, and he "knew" it was over for them.
Thankfully, all he got was a little soreness on his back. He's okay now.

One of the other things that was affected by these accidents is my confidence in driving. I get a little nervous now and then when I drive around the city.
I don't want to be a hermit, and I don't want my twins to miss out on things simply because of this tiny fear.
 I know I must get over it and continue driving out there.

Thursday's Plan
40 min. run/walk program, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
2 corn tortillas, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef, 1 apple
7 almonds
2 corn tortillas, 1/6 cup lowfat cheese, 1 oz. roast beef, 1 pear
7 almonds
1 serving of cheese tortellini with lowfat sauce, fresh sauteed green beans with garlic

I hope you're having a happy and healthy day!


Debbie said...

I came across you blog on one that I follow and I like it. The pictures of you losing weight are great. I like the counters by the way. I notice that you are eating a lot of almonds, are they good for you.

MissHaneefa said...

I'm sure that with all the weight you are losing that your past injuries are going to feel better. As for working out on vacation, it is to counteract all the eating out that I have been doing!